Thursday, March 3, 2011

Throwback Night?!

So I guess we were feeling a little delirious nostalgic last night and when someone(we seriously have no idea which kid was making noise) started the dreaded noise, we brought the baby into our room to sleep in the Pack N Play. After all, it's been a while since a baby slept in our room! Let me say this, whoever coined the phrase "slept like a baby" should be caned in public. If I'm not mistaken, that phrase is meant to describe a blissful, uninterrupted sleep? Not the kind that REAL babies have when they move every 3 1/2 minutes? Whatever. Even with an extra person in the room, I managed to get more sleep last night than I have in the last 4 days combined. WOOT! The dogs were even kind enough to turn their fart dials down to about 6 last night so we weren't woken up constantly gasping for breath. They DO love us!!
I did the unmentionable yesterday and kept my sweet Angel of a daughter up from her nap even though she barely slept the night before. I earned my cape yesterday, that's for sure. So at brinnertime(I served another gourmet meal of eggs, bacon, and bagels ie: Brinner-Breakfast for dinner) she actually fell asleep in her chair. If it weren't for the bacon(she's a disturbing carnivore)she probably wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes. But she couldn't resist chomping of a few slices. Once she passed out, I carried her up to her bed, changed her, and didn't hear from her again for another 13 hours. Tired much?! Well, I may have heard from her, but it wasn't anything that warranted a visit to their bedroom for attention, only to snatch the baby from his crib and bring him to our quiet, not as smelly as usual, bedroom. And right now she's happy as a clam in her Cruella Deville coat wearing no pants watching Bubble Guppies on tv. Joy to the World!
Child 1 is home from school today since he's coughing like a 2 pack a day smoker and is napping at 9 am?! And sweet little Child 3 is sitting staring at me covered in his own boogers. I'm thinking today might be a good day to clean....a LOT.
On another note.......we're having mattress issues. Our new mattress was delivered last Saturday and The Hubbs and I have a difference of opinion. Weird, I know. He seems to feel that we could bounce quarters off of our new bed and that this is a bad thing. Where I am just happy for a surface that isn't the floor or our old mattress that crippled me, to catch my 20 minutes of zzzzz's a night! According to the retailer, we have 2 weeks to decide if it's the one for us. If not, we can pay a nominal charge to switch mattresses again. So let the count down begin! I'm pretty sure that at this point in my life, I could sleep standing up. So I'm sure he'll "win" and we'll end up trying out at least one more mattress. But after reading the Twilight series along with every other tween girl(what?! It was a good read!) and um....having my daughter around for 2 1/2 years....I'm thinking becoming a vampire might actually suit me! I've always had a funny feeling about Child 2. Even when she was still in my belly, there was something different about her. She's wise beyond her years and has a frightening relationship with meat. Basically, I'd rather rip a hot meal out of a rabid mountain lion's mouth than get in between Child 2 and a slab of meat. This is why I waited until she fell asleep at the table last night! I wouldn't dare suggest she leave any bacon behind. Anyway, back to the vampire thing. It would be cool. I wouldn't have that whole tired-all-the-time thing going on and being up all night wouldn't bother me one bit! And I like meat just as much as the next guy. So it's all good. I'm not even sure anyone would even notice. I'm so pale this time of year, if you look closely enough, you can actually watch the blood flow through my veins. Sexy, I know. The Hubbs is one lucky guy ;)
On that note, I'm off to clean a bit. Good news is Child 3 is no longer covered in his own snot. Bad news: I now have to change my pants after he wiped his face on them. Guess I'll do some laundry too! Maybe I'll work on my "Muah Ha Ha" laugh....Dracula did that right? Or was that the Count Chocula? Eh....whatever...I don't want to be that scary anyway.


  1. We got a knock off Sleep Number bed for that reason. I'll all for bouncing quarters off the bed- Brock- not so much.
