Friday, November 12, 2010

And In My Spare Time..................

Why Yes.....Yes I DID just stain my deck over the past two days. Unfortunately, my past(and present) continuously dictates......If you want something done, do it yourself.
We had a deck built off the back of our house in July. YEP....July. First let me begin by saying that it took months to have THAT done until I stepped in and finally called a contractor. It was beginning to look like we were never getting that deck and one day my friend text a picture of her shiny new deck to my phone. Immediately I asked her for the contact info of the person that built it. He was over that night giving us an estimate and the rest is history. Is it the best job? No. But the price was right and we use it every day! It's probably the most practical purchase we've made in a LONG time. Now.....proper maintenance of a deck includes sealing it. Right? Right. You do the math. It's November. I've been waiting for the other adult party that lives under the same roof to take care of this. We'll call him......hmmmmm.......Procrastinator Pete. Pete kept telling me he'd do it. Yeah got in the way a bit. But PAAAAAAAAA LEASE.....4 months?!?!?!?!?!?! Whatever. I whipped out the cape from storage. And while Pete was around yesterday, I put him in charge of the kids(that's a story for another day) and stained the floor surface of the deck. Obviously this is the part we use most often and would most benefit from the sealing. And today, while Pete was off to work, I covered the railings and the second set of stairs lovingly referred to as "the dogs' stairs".
My resume just keeps getting longer but somehow, my pay stays the same? Weird.
My husband came home for two hours today and in that time I ran out to buy a present for my nephew's birthday party tomorrow, ran to the card store, bought some hand soap and Bath & Body Works, and of course hit the liquor store at the end of my 50 minute shopping spree. Because "Pete" headed back to work at dinner time, the cupcake order I was supposed to have for tomorrow fell through, and I'm going to have a quiet house all to myself. I figure while downing a few of my favorite brews, I can try to figure out why, after staining the deck, I've lost feeling in two of the fingers on my left hand?
Never a dull moment here :)

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