Sunday, October 17, 2010

And so the blog name........takes a face! The Caped Cupcake apparently has more than one meaning. I always joke about how my cape is at the dry cleaners anytime someone asks "how do you do it all?!" and I love cupcakes. So of course I thought I was all crafty, thinking I'm the caped cupcake crusader. worked in my head:) My oldest son is about to turn 4. So we had a "friend" party for him yesterday. The family one is next weekend. He's all big and tough now so he requested a superhero party. Gone are the days of Nemo and Elmo. We don't go crazy buying the party plates and wall hangings and stuff like that, but we decorate like maniacs with balloons and the cupcakes are always the centerpiece! I had great intentions, but alas the Hubbs was inevitably called into work the night before the party and my 8 month old was awake with me till about 4am teething. Gotta love Murphy and his law! So instead of making a bunch of different super hero cupcakes, I only ended up with Superman, Spiderman and then a couple that I slapped icing and sugar on in Batman colors, literally as the guests arrived! Can we say rush job? That's over and now I need to make some for school Thursday and the weekend family party too. I'm seriously considering stapling my husband to the floor so he can't leave. God bless every little coffee bean out there cuz I'm gonna need em to get through this week!
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