Monday, November 29, 2010

Time Constraints

So I have about 20 minutes until I need to go pick up Child 1 from preschool. I've managed to vacuum this morning. Which felt like an even huger accomplishment than it really was because my two little ones clapped and cheered as I did it. Clearly they have more "floor time" than I do, and realize just how badly it needed a good vacuuming! Whoops. So while working up a good sweat....I decided to pull the refrigerator out and clean under/behind it. there a service for this? Because the people who would offer this, would make a killing. How the hell does all that crap get behind there? The fun part of this was that I had gates up corralling the kids in the living room and the dogs in the kitchen. Said dogs are freakishly afraid of the vacuum. heh heh Now before you go calling the ASPCA on me, I stayed by the fridge on the complete opposite end of the kitchen. But, Fat Bastard decided it would be a good idea to try and hop over the vacuum to attempt to get past me, over the gate, and into the living room to the safety of the minis. Fail. He managed to not get the height he needed to clear the UPRIGHT vacuum(imagine that?!) and instead started Scooby Dooing on my floor while slamming into the cabinets. He'd be eating fried rice and noodles right now if it weren't for my FOOT getting in the way of his giant smelly paws. I had to count my toes after this incident.
That's my excitement for the morning. Apparently I'm allergic to dust. Not even an excuse, although it would be a good one! But my eyes are all swollen and my nose is running. Off to preschool where I imagine I'll look like most of the children in attendance since it's cold season!

I have to post this pic of Child 3 cuz it makes me smile!! Even through swollen, teary eyes!!! How cute is this fat baby?!?!?!
Happy Monday folks!


  1. How come the dimples in my butt aren't that cute? D'oh!

  2. OMG. Chubby baby butt AND cute little toes? I need my bbq sauce! :) I think we should ship all of our combined mutts to Alaska and make them be useful as sled dogs. Just an idea...

  3. As perfect as that sounds, the Fat one's teeth chatter when exposed to temperatures below 50 degrees. NOT kidding!!! Who's ever heard of a dog who's teeth chatter? Ugh. Just one more BONUS to him and all his glory. So, I'd spend FAR too much money on dog clothing to be humane and all. While I sit here in a Nor Easter with holes in the ass of my jeans.
    Alaska's out.
    Maybe to the Caribbean though? THEN, we can go visit them and have umbrella drinks by the pool!

  4. adorable Erin! and thanks for the laughs, today is my "monday". :)

  5. Just catching up on your blog now.. LOVE THIS PIC!

  6. LOL........isn't it perfect! Why doesn't cottage cheese look that good on my butt?! ;)
