Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bad Idea Of The Day

Pretty sure I could do a daily blog of JUST this. But let me share today's.....
I did laundry. No wise ass that was not the bad idea! And to be more efficient, I'll usually throw bath towels in with blankets. (boring you yet?) My kids are "blanket babies". They adore their blankets! In turn, we have 163 of them spread all over the house. Ones to sit on, sleep on, eat with around our shoulders, make forts out of, and ones for the dogs to cuddle up with too. Catching onto my bad idea right about now, aren't ya? Yep, I threw our   bath towels in with the Fat Bastard's fleece, smelly, dog blanket. I STILL didn't realize after switching to the dryer and folding. Sharp, I know.
No my shining moment of clarity was tonight after all the kids were asleep and I was stepping out of my nice hot shower to dry off with my "fresh from the laundry" towel.
I'll spare the photo. Let's just say I closely resembled something between an orangutan and a wookie.
Pour the wine.
I'm punching out for the day.


  1. Mine is poured. I'm sorry. Let's meet in Vegas.

  2. oh my GOSH! i almost laughed quinoia out my nose!!! that is HYSTERICAL! there is not enough Pumpkin Pie in my world.. thank goodness for this blog! you rock! xoxoxoxoxo
