Saturday, November 13, 2010

Not enough coffee in all the world

It's 6:27am here on this beautiful fall NJ morning. And I've had the distinct pleasure of being awake with all three of my angelic children for the past 2 hours. Anyone sensing my sarcasm? This is ridiculous.
Prior to having kids, I was always a morning person. And I'm not even just saying that for fun. I always voluntarily took the early shifts at jobs and would be up and ready to go before everyone else around me. Then the kids came. And I had the harsh realization that a marital relationship is indeed NOT 50/50 like I've been led to believe for so long. Now I know my husband was physically incapable of breastfeeding any of our kids. But just because their nursing days are long gone, certainly doesn't mean they don't wake up in the middle of the night..........every night. Or like this morning. At 4:30 and ready to start their day. I'll give you TWO guesses(cuz it's so damned early) who's still in bed right now?! Anyone? Anyone? So I figured I'd turn to the computer instead of walking upstairs and smothering the Hubbs. Won't get a thank you for that one either, I suppose. If only he knew.
To add insult to injury, my four year old keeps whining(that's my most favorite thing in the world by the way) "wheeeeeen's breeeeakfasssst gonnnna beee readdddy?". He doesn't like my answer that I'm not feeding him for a LONG time. I don't know how to train them out of this early riser shit? But I figure I'd only be imprinting it deeper if I fed them earlier than usual. So our regular breakfast time sticks. By then, hopefully I'll have enough caffeine in me to function properly and maybe even try to figure out some kind of Clockwork Orangelike tactic to make them sleep later.
One can only hope. Clearly it's up to me since I'm the only one affected by it.
In the meantime, I have to go shake out the cape since I didn't have a chance to get all the laundry done yesterday either.
I know.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure I'll last till 8pm tonight.......on my own again, with all three kids. HA! Maybe I'll even get the second coat on the deck?
We all need goals, right?!

1 comment:

  1. i'm like a junkie... checking this every minute for a new post. thanks pumpkin! you rock and have kept me from loosing my shit for the past 2 days. not sure why i'm so at the end of my rope (or do i?) but i'm happy it's almsot saturday. adn thank goodness for the comic relief of the caped cupcake!
