Monday, December 13, 2010

Breakdown? I may have had a mini breakdown yesterday? I'm not really sure, but the kids were all sick and unruly(that makes it sound polite, don't ya think?!) to say the least. Sure enough I signed on to THIS BLOG and saw that God Forsaken countdown to Christmas ticker I put up and almost passed out in my chair. I hadn't even BEGUN to start my shopping yet. And I'll just put this out there.....I don't actually enjoy shopping. For me it's a task most times. And having to go out in this area, this time of year is just not pleasant.
So after a mild kicking and screaming fit(from me), I text the Hubbs who was out in the woods for the day, to get his arse home to spend some quality time with the minis so I can jump ship and get this shopping over with. He actually came right home and I proceeded to get ready to join the general public in some shouting, elbowing, Christmastime madness, and all around rudeness. After giving my middle finger a good warm up ;) I headed out to THE MALL. Ugh. Now please understand the ridiculous amount of motivation I must work up to actually go do this. I loathe THE MALL and the highways around here are murderous. And this time of year, all the back roads are mobbed too. It's like hell, just colder and with squeaky toys.
So I get my keys, my wallet, my coupons, my list. I kiss the minis and tell them to be good for Daddy and that I won't see them before bedtime. It's then that I realize they all need milk. And we don't have enough for the night. So I run to the supermarket quickly to get that. Then home again. My motivation is slowly dwindling. Then, our meat is ready to be picked up at two different places.(our friend had picked some up at her butcher, and we had some at our own butcher too...details details)  So to the bank for cash to pay them with, and off to the first one. The first was a friend, so I sit down and hang for a bit, sans kids. Ahhhhhhhhhh some much needed R&R and adult conversation. I'd say minus the whining, but my friend's English Mastiff is a lover. And if you don't give him your full attention at all times, he sits directly in front of you and whines. So there was that. A short social call, loaded up the truck and headed out to THE MALL. It was flippin cold out, so there was no worry of anything spoiling in the back of my truck. Shop, then run to butcher for the 2nd pickup. That'll work.
At this point, I've been exposed to the elements for a whopping 30 minutes and I'm already ready to go home, take a scalding shower, and hide under the covers for the night watching bad TV and eating popcorn. But I have 3 tiny joy filled little faces to think of. So to Target I go. And wow. Just WOW. I've worked with wild animals that had better manners than the majority of the people shopping there! Shoving, yelling, smacking their gum, (ok so that's just my personal pet peeve.....but it added to the "joy"), and children up waaaaaaay past their bedtimes screaming bloody murder throughout the store. One in particular that chose the same general route that I did and followed me until I couldn't take it any longer and changed my course. One kid was screaming SO loudly and screechily(is that a word?!) that I actually put down what I was looking at to see if I needed to fashion a tourniquet out of pieces of my clothing for the limb they cut off?!?! Just a tantrum........whew. Please folks, I know there are always desperate times when we can't find a sitter and must bring our little ones somewhere that we really don't want to, and maybe this was the case here, but lets all exercise some common sense when going out in public.
Kids bedtime? Don't pack them up to take into the winter night for some "fun" shopping. Tuck them in their beds and do it in the daytime. OR find a sitter. IF YOU CAN! But just remember you're not the only ones in the store.
That's a big issue with me......
It absolutely infuriates me how most of the people I encounter out in public have zero consideration for anyone or anything around them? How does that happen? Is it just in Jersey? Is there something I don't know like............all things were indeed made solely for the happiness of these particular individuals and no one else? Cuz I missed the memo.
See the foul mood that going to THE MALL will put me in?! Amazing.
I did end my evening on a high note though. My last stop before home (with ALL the minis' gifts bought! WOO HOO!) was the butcher. Which is actually a local guy who is a professional butcher and does this out of his garage come hunting season. He's a vegetarian. Which I just adore! And the group of people that hang out there are these old whipper snappers that always have something clever to say. I love going there. Chivalry lives on, as they carried the very heavy boxes down the very long driveway since I didn't want to block their driveway by parking in it and parked instead on the street. CONSIDERATION....CHECK! CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.........CHECK! FOOD TO FEED THE FAM...........CHECK!
Fa la la la laaaaaaaa la la la LA!

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