Sunday, March 6, 2011

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm

So hell week is over. Kind of. The kids are still going through whatever it is they're going through. But it seems to be on the upswing at least. Maybe it's just the combination of being sick and the end of winter-beginning of Spring cabin fever thing? I don't know, and quite frankly, I'm tired of talking about it. LOL
We had a birthday party to go to yesterday afternoon. And by the time we came home last night, all 3 kids were passed out and placed gently into their beds(where we changed them into jammies and they totally slept through the whole process!!!). Then we each took a breath of fresh air. Ahhhhhhhhh. Quiet time. We were beyond exhausted, but were up for watching some DVR'd tv together. Oh....and I made a snack because we all know how easy it is to actually EAT when you're juggling 3 kids at a party. Not so much.
We sat on the couch...the same couch and actually had some US time where we weren't doing anything else but just sitting with each other watching tv. And you wanna know the weird part? It was awkward. Not uncomfortable by any means. And maybe awkward is the wrong word? But I realized that it had been SO long that we had any time to just concentrate on US. And last night was one of the first times I can remember in a LONG while that we did that. It was almost foreign. We've been baby making/raising machines for the past 5 years and that has been all consuming. Now that the littlest of our clan is a year old, I think it's time to step back and take care of US....the US that started all of this. We love each other. There's no doubt about that. But we certainly haven't made our relationship any sort of priority recently. We're either too tired, too busy, too occupied with something else....the list could go on I'm sure. I would imagine most young couples in "family growing" mode go through this. But when you sit back and analyze it(like I just did while doing laundry)'s pretty scary to think that all the feelings and all the love that started this family, have been put on the back burner.
Anyway.......I'm on it! Time to resurrect the relationship that used to make other people envious.
Yay....a new project!


  1. So that's why you didn't answer my call..... lol! You are excused! I know all too well what you are talking about- unfortunately. Those little people sure take it out of us!

  2. I know that awkward feeling!! It is nice to finally look at each other and reconnect! It can feel foreign, but so therapeutic! Nice to finally get that chance! :)
