Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Ok so yesterday sucked. I apologize for my bi-polar posts. But I guess that's how I feel most of the time?! I'm thinking quite a few Mom's do. "they love me, they love me not. they appreciate me, they appreciate me not." That's pretty much what goes through my head all day long. Ugh. Why do our brains insist on torturing us like that?
Anyway,  The Hubbs is WAY more receptive than I give him credit for!! He came home last night and could just see the exasperated look on my face. I was half curled up on the couch, holding a squirming giant one year old and sitting next to Child 2 while she watched Little Bear(their nightly pre-bedtime ritual). Child 1 had been SO ornery and overtired that he was sent to bed shortly after dinner and fell asleep within 3 minutes of being put in there. Two late nights in a row over the weekend didn't agree with him. The little kids finished up their show and were escorted to bed. I could hardly muster up a welcoming smile or anything. The wind had totally been taken out of my sails. Boo hoo....I know....this is such a "poor me" week? What the hell?!?!?!?! Surprisingly, especially to me because I didn't think ANYTHING would drag me out of my funk, a few sweet questions made me cheer up instantly. "Can I get you anything at all babe?" "I'm sorry you had such a bad day." <complete with cute little pouty face and all. "Do you want me to run to the store and get you some cake?" This just made me outright laugh!!! And there you have it.
How to fix a woman.........1)care 2)SHOW that you care 3)offer to do something for her 4)be sweet and understanding 5)just add water(or wine....or beer......or shots) and
TA DA!!!!!!!!!! Instant human :)
Now today hasn't been perfect. Not even close. Our oldest is on a mission to make me scream at him all day. And I haven't yet. Yet. But The Hubbs is home. And I'm enjoying him being here with all of us. Even if I'm in the kitchen baking for Saturday and he's running errands. One of which is getting a new battery for the truck! HAPPY DANCE! At least he's here, and we can team up together. We always did that so perfectly. :)
I'm looking forward to tonight. After finishing the 472 chores on my list today, I can't wait to sit on the couch and snuggle up next to my love.