Monday, January 10, 2011


So I was.......somewhat productive today. Didn't get done nearly as much as I'd wanted to. But I think I set my goals too high. And I have a REALLY good reason for sitting on my rear, blogging right now. I cleaned my bathroom. Ceiling, walls, sink, counters, caulk, window, all of it with Tilex. I'm not a total moron, I had the window open at least. But in the interest of time, I did this while the 2 youngest minis were napping and instead of doing a little, leaving to breath some fresh air, then coming back.....I took the room on in one big shot! Smart? Maybe not. The bonus? I may never know because I'm pretty sure I killed the braincells that would help me deduce that decision in the future :) My bathroom, is shiny though. So it's all worth it! Well, almost shiny. I ripped a piece of the wall off the other day in a moment of haste when I was trying to "straighten up" for my realtor friend to stop by. That part of the wall had taken on some water damage from the steam heat vent and I......well.........cut it out with a utility knife. I truly had good intentions of going in the basement, getting the spare drywall we have laying around, measuring, cutting, and replacing the part I removed, then the Hubbs got called into work. It's hard to work with utility knives around the minis. They're so.....grabby! And honestly, it's hard to measure with them around, because they're constantly distracting you! Anyway, I abandoned that project when he left. As a matter of fact, I left the pile of cut out nasty drywall on the floor in there until today. In my defense, my husband shut off the valve to the heat so that the steam would no longer blast against the wall and make that loud hissing noise. But now, we have no heat in there. I thought DYFS was going to knock on my door last night after bathing the minis! It was cccccold! And I tend to run a little on the cold side, so I'm avoiding the bathroom except for emergencies. Like Tilex emergencies. My esophagus hurts. Can't say I've ever said that before! And I'm a tad dizzy. But I can't tell if it's any more than I usually am. hehe At least I don't have anything important to do like..........take care of my kids or anything! Nah. We're all fine here. The kids have a pre-dinner movie going and are happy as clams while I sit here typing for a few minutes. The Hubbs will be working late tonight, so it's just us for dinner. Thank God for the bottle of wine in the fridge. Dinner has been a chore around here lately!
Child 1 has an on again, off again relationship with napping lately. So he can be a real joy just before bedtime. My daughter has flung herself head first into the terrible 2's. She suddenly refuses to eat most food and screams for the entire sitting. Pleasant. My sister-in-law and her new husband got to witness this craziness just last night. I'm sincerely hoping it didn't set them back too far in the baby making department! But I, for one, couldn't blame them one bit. I wouldn't have blamed them if they'd called for an exorcism after seeing Child's head almost spin completely around! The girl is nutso! Funny, but crazy :) Chubsy Wubsy Child 3 is usually great at meals. He's an eater (obviously) and is just content at dinner time. But he does like to yell with glee at times. So once this dizziness passes, I may pour a glass of mealtime wine to ease the process. Or just put headphones on while they eat. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. My husband has banned the use of bleach in the house- but sometimes (like one of those precious "poo in the tub" situations) you just have to bust out the fumes.
